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Presenting RINGANA the right way

When they first make contact with customers, our Partners are our ambassadors who determine the kind of picture that customers get of RINGANA and our business. This is a huge responsibility but we are there to help with every step of your business development – and that includes introducing RINGANA to others. That is the reason why we use a standardised concept that is revised on an ongoing basis, so that RINGANA always has a transparent and instantly recognisable image.

You can use the following tools to present RINGANA:

  • Official FRESH dates: for some time also possible online (more details in the News article of …). This is the best tool for making the products tangible, and for briefly introducing the business.
  • Business meetings – either personal or by phone/video call: this is the best way to explain the details of the business in a one-on-one conversation. This allows you to respond fully to the potential Partner’s needs.

To assist you further, we organise events to which you can invite your customers and/or new Partners. So easy:

  • Online – FRESH up: discover our product world and get a quick insight into the business
  • Online – START up: mastering the first steps as a RINGANA Fresh Partner

If we all use these tools, we ensure the same, shared image and the instant recognisability of the brand.

We would explicitly like to point out that organising events that do not correspond with the RINGANA concept violates our guidelines.

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